
Restart by Gordon Korman


This book by Gordon Korman is about a boy called Chase who fell off his roof. He woke up in the hospital remembering nothing. The doctors told him he had amnesia. He also loved to play football, but after his fall he couldn’t play, since he had dislocated his shoulder too. When he was able to go back to school, he saw kids with very different reactions towards him. Some of them treated him like a hero, others were very afraid of him. After, not playing football for months, he decided to join the video club where he met Shoshana Weber -Joel Webers sister. Before Chase’s fall, Chase and his 2 best friends Aaron and Bear would bully Joel so much that Joel had to leave and go to a boarding school.

My Thoughts.

Each chapter is written with the perspective of a different character. I didn’t realize this until I read a couple chapters. This book was quite different book because the main character was actually a bully . How often do we see that? It seemed upsetting at first. however, when Chase joined the video club and realized he was actually decent at filming, it lifted the sadness that was floating around. There was also bits of humor sprinkling around in the book.

My favorite character was Chase because he was a different person after the accident. I think this meant that perhaps people can change for the better. Even bullies. My least favorite character was Shoshana’s mom and dad because even though they don’t have a major part in the book . They didn’t believe Shoshana when she said that Chase was a different person after his fall.

The author’s writing was brilliant. He was able to have me hooked from the very first page. Korman used simple but effective writing and carried the story forward at a good pace.

This book is available at the ASD school library. Maybe you can check your school library to see if it’s there.