
Eventown by Corey Ann Haydu

This book by Corey Ann Haydu is about Elodee, her twin Naomi who along with their family move from Juniper to a place called Eventown. This seems like a great move for them, because it is a chance for a fresh start. Things in Eventown are exciting and perfect when they first move. The food that Elodee cooks is amazing, her father’s rose bush is blooming and her mother is the happiest she’s ever been. There is also a Welcoming Center, where you talk about your most embarrassing, angry, or scary stories and then your memories are locked forever.

Soon Elodee realizes that all the houses look the same, and there are only three ice cream flavors in town! The library has books, but all the pages are empty and that they only play one song in their music class. Also, Elodee and her twin Naomi have started drifting apart in their family.
How can Elodee convince her parents to move back to Juniper?

This story is well written and has many different elements. One part shows us what it is to have a twin sister. Twins may only look alike but their personalities can be very different.
It also shows us how there is pressure to be like your peers. If you choose to be different, your life can be very different and lonely.
The character of Elodee is very interesting. She is inquisitive in nature, sometimes gets angry and is different than the rest of the people in Eventown. She is put herself in difficult situations and the story shows how she deals with her emotions.

“Maybe if you love something enough, it matters more than fitting in and belonging and being safe.”

Eventown by Corey Ann Haydu

This book has some mystery, humor and a message of hope and joy. It is a well written book that was described beautifully.

Would you want to erase your memories that brought you grief?

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