
Echo’s Sister


Echo’s Sister by Paul Mosier

This book by Paul Mosier is about a twelve-year-old girl whose name is Laughter, but she likes to be called El instead. She has a very positive attitude and has no trouble making friends in school. Everything is working out fantastic for her, but soon something miserable happens. El’s younger sister, Echo, is diagnosed with a terrible illness. With a world like this El feels lost, scared and powerless. Over time, she befriends Octavius, the only friend who knows what El is going through.

My Review

This book brought out a myriad of emotions for me…it made me feel joyful yet miserable. I found the family to be extremely supportive and taking care of Echo’s needs. One of my favorite parts of this book was the family’s motto. All for one, all four one. This meant that they needed to maintain their focus and stay positive despite all the challenges. I also really liked Echo’s positivity when she said “This is hard, but I can do hard things.”

After each chapter ended, there was always tension, making me want to read more. It was late at night, and I would always see if I could fit another chapter in before I fell asleep!

During her illness, Echo goes through times where she is frustrated, angry and upset. Of course for El, it is really hard, as she is very close to her sister, Echo. The book is very sentimental as it shows the relationship among the two sisters when they are facing huge obstacles in life. I really wanted to cry during certain parts of the book.

Paul Mosier wrote this book in first person as El, which made the story more touching. It felt as if El were really expressing her deepest feelings to me.

The book is a really emotional roller-coaster. Be prepared with a handkerchief as you read it.



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