
The Miscalculations Of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty



The Miscalculations of Lighting Girl by Stacy McAnulty is about a girl named Lucy Callahan who was unfortunately struck by lightning at the age of 8. That lightning zap gave her amazing math and genius skills! Ever since that dangerous zap of lightning struck her she had been home schooled.

She has an obsessive compulsive disorder, where without a specific routine the numbers of pi start to swarm around in her head like a bee. Now at the age of 12 she’s ready for college! That’s how great of a genius she is!!

Lucy’s grandma wants her to pass one more test  – attend ‘middle school’. When she goes to middle school, there are a few things that grandma wants Lucy to be capable of.

1. Make 1 friend

2. Join 1 activity

3. Read 1 book ( That’s not a math related book )

Once she starts middle school she hides her math abilities just to blend in with others. She then gets bullied by a popular girl name Maddie, but with the help of Lucy’s friend, Windy they are sure that they can fight back. A community service project turns a corner and now the two of them need to find a third classmate that can help make their project successful. With the help of Levi the 3 of them help out at a pet hut. Lucy starts to bond with a dog named Cutie Pi, but soon later something tragic happens. Cutie Pi is diagnosed with cancer, and Lucy realizes that she must solve her problems on her own, especially when Windy betrays Lucy by revealing one of her top secrets!

What I like about this book

I liked how the book showed collaboration between the three of them. Even if one person didn’t get along to well they still worked as a team and tried their hardest and that’s what mattered! This book also showed friendship and forgiveness, all around the book. I liked the author’s writing style and the way the story came together.

Quote time

There’s no perfect equation for surviving middle school!

Have you read The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl? If so, what was your favorite part?
If you haven’t picked it up yet, you definitely should!

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