

About the book

Squint by Chad Morris and Shelly Brown is about a boy named Flint who is losing his vision unfortunately because of a disease called ‘keratoconus’. He has a passion for drawing comics and has entered a competition for the best comic!

On the journey of drawing his comics, he meets a girl named McKell. McKell has some hidden talents herself but doesn’t share it because she fears being judged by others. Flint and McKell soon become good friends and they are learn to trust each other and most importantly believe in themselves!

Why I enjoyed this book 

This book made me laugh in some places and cry in some! I really enjoyed reading it because it show you how to overcome your difficulties by trying, persevering and never giving up!!

There was one part in the book where Flint wanted to give up on his comics. But his grandfather was very encouraging and reminded him of the hard work he put in to his work.

“Hard work,” he interrupted, his voice louder, “is always something you should be proud of.”

I also liked how Flint’s grandfather used a lot of football analogies! That was fun to read!

The characters in this book are inspiring, realistic and most of all relatable. My favorite character would have to be Danny because of his humor and his kindness to others.

Fun rules in the book

Middle-School Rule : If anything can go totally, completely, epically wrong, it will.

Comic Rule : Give your main character an interesting backstory. If possible, have it include the villains. It heightens the tension.

What are you guys reading these days? I would love to hear your recommendations!

4 thoughts on “Squint”

  1. I love your reviews Zoha and I think the middle school rule above ( If anything can go totally, completely, epically wrong, it will) sometimes applies to teachers as much as students!

    Happy blogging! 🙂

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